What Should I Do After A Slip And Fall Accident? 5 Steps To Follow

Take as many of these steps as possible after a slip and fall accident. If you can only take a few of these, the two most important steps are the first and the fifth.

Step 1: Get medical attention.

Call 911 if there is any possibility of serious injury. If the injuries appear to be more minor, see a doctor as soon as possible. Obtaining medical care after a slip and fall accident is critical to ensuring that:

  • Your injuries are diagnosed immediately.
  • Receive immediate treatment to prevent any complications and promote a better prognosis.
  • The extent of the damage you suffered in the accident is officially documented in your medical records.

Step 2: Take photos and record videos of the accident scene.

If possible, get photos of where the slip and fall occurred. Try to capture as much detail as possible, such as (but not limited to):

  • The ground or floor
  • Lighting or weather conditions
  • Signage or lack of it
  • Security features or lack thereof
  • Debris, spills, and/or other hazards

Considering that slip and fall sites can change in the days or weeks after accidents, these photos can be especially important in documenting exactly what was and was not at the scene when the injury occurred. It is common for property owners and managers to try to hide evidence after learning of an injury.

Step 3: Report the incident.

If there is an authority on-site, such as a foreman, manager, or owner:

  • Report the slip and fall to that person.
  • Get their name and contact information.
  • Ask if an incident report will be created for the accident and, if so, ask for a copy of it.

Step 4: Continue with all prescribed medical care.

This is crucial for your recovery and any future claims you file. Medical care affirms the extent of your injuries and establishes financial losses from medical bills. It also helps create a picture of the costs of future medical care and treatments.

Step 5: Talk to an attorney who will give you free consultations about your options.

A slip and fall attorney can be an ally and an asset, helping you:

  • Understand your rights
  • Get the answers you need about your potential claim
  • Take the right steps to move on the road to recovery.
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